Finally it has become a bit of a spring. The nights are still cold but the days are lengthening and even though the wind is still bleak, the sun behind glass feels very comfortable.
After 15 March, it is time to sow tomatoes. No, nothing not at home but directly here in the greenhouse at OUR. Well in a greenhouse with a cap on it to make it tasty.
This year I sowed six varieties, among others: 'Kaiserin Sissi' and 'Mom's Oxheart' and another yellow cherry tomato 'Aurantiacum'. Less than last year but still 24 plants (if they all come up.) Perhaps I leave a "wild", because they also just appear in my garden (fallen tomatoes that germinate in the spring).
A plant that deserves a painting edge, because this plant was sown last year and survived the winter. Fennel is delicious in the salad and gives a fresh anise flavor to the salad.
I will definitely sow this one soon.

Radishes are always delicious, out of the fist or in the lettuce. It even seems that you can also weck them and maybe that's nice to do once, then I'll keep you informed.
flowering fruit trees
In the greenhouse it is of course warmer than outside and here my fruit trees are already in full bloom.
Above the Citrus lemon in full bud a few days and the greenhouse is filled with a sweet citrus scent, delicious. Also, new, small lemon are visible and promise a full harvest again.
The peach also shows off its many blossoms, really a beautiful flower up close. Fortunately, I saw bumblebees flying, so that promised a nice harvest.
The breed of this beautiful tree is 'Peregrine' and the cured curl disease has not been on this beautiful tree yet (fortunately, because we can miss him as a toothache).
This is a red, fleshy apple, the name has just escaped me. He has this year for the first time quite a few blossoms and I hope he also gives me some apples. I will be very grateful for it. Oh yes, he is called 'Baya®Marissa'.
And the closing for today is the pear tree 'Conferance'. A very nicely pruned pivot shape and this year he gives me a lot more blossoms than last year (nothing), so may I hope this year for some pear?

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