the start of a permaculture garden
I have owned this garden for almost a year. Many fruit trees come from my old garden in the greenhouse at Onze. But I can already see that they enjoy themselves much better outside. Although the harvest is still a bit disappointing, the trees are growing well and in the upcoming holiday I will lead them on lines between the posts of the double pergola (pictures to follow).
This garden is a permaculture vegetable garden. For my experience, permaculture is gardening with nature and not against it. This means that I mulched the paths with wood and / or bark chips and the planters (I have 6) I mulch with everything I have left. So today I mulched with the grown Lavas, here are 2 of them and one is actually enough for a family unless you eat a lot of Lavas or Maggiplant. A Lovage is therefore completely mulched and the Rhubarb plant will be placed here, but only from autumn.

this bin has just been mulched. Here the bugs can do their work bacteria and fungi reform this plant waste and thus deliver their food to the vegetable garden.
I do not fertilize in the form of organic fertilizers or fertilizers. Both are disastrous for soil life. The fertilizers (which are actually just salts) kill the worms and also the bacteria and fungi. I only give minerals in the form of lava flour.
The plants live in symbiosis with fungi and bacteria, plants separate sugars from their roots and in turn fungi give nutrients in return, it is actually a kind of penny change. In fact, it works so specifically that if plants need a certain nutrient, they excrete a certain substance through the roots and then get the right nutrient for it from the soil.
So be careful with your soil life in your vegetable garden: mulch and mulch a lot, do not use fertilizers or vultures.
In the fall, you can also mulch with compost and naturally fallen leaves. You can mulch all types of leaves, the soil life knows how to handle any harmful substances.

As you can see, here I mulch the path in the greenhouse with brown cardboard, brown cardboard is also fine to use in the compost heap, worms have eliminated it and turned it into a beautiful compost.
double pergola
Later on during my vacation I will build a double pergola, a colomnade is also called something like that. On one side of this colomnade, my fruit trees are guided by wires between the uprights of the colomnade. A report will follow later, until then.
You all have a nice holiday, bye.
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