
Noir de Crimée the dark tomato, almost black colored tomato belongs to the Heirloom tomatoes which means that this is a very old variety and has been of interest to the hobby grower in recent years because this tomato contains so many anthocyanins. This is an antioxidant that is claimed to help fight cancer, diabetes, and obesity.


The tomato contains a lot of the bright red lycopene, a phytonutrient that has a preventive effect against cancer. This is a carotenoid that is mainly found in red fruit and vegetables. BASF is a chemical company that has acquired the right to market synthetic lycopene in the form of a supplement and as a dye with E number 160d. Lycopene from fruit and vegetables is much better absorbed by the body because it is accompanied by vitamins, phytonutrients and important amino acids that help convert lycopene in the human body. Scientific research has shown that natural lycopene works 3 times as efficiently for the body as the artificial variant.


The tomato plant is originally a creeping perennial from South America. Solanum lycopersicum is related to nightshade. Other nightshades are the potatoes, Eggplant, Goijibes, chili pepper, pineapple cherry, bell pepper and Pepino (or melon pear).

The tomato plant is an easy grower both outdoors and in a greenhouse, what you should definitely pay attention to when growing outdoors is around a shelter because tomatoes hate rain. They get Phytophtora from it, or The Black of. All the leaves turn black and the tomatoes rot off too, so make a shelter. In the greenhouse you will hardly be bothered by this, but it is important to ventilate well by opening skylights, an automatic window opener is a must. The tomato plant is an easy grower both outdoors and in a greenhouse, what you should definitely pay attention to when growing outdoors is around a shelter because tomatoes hate rain. They get Phytophtora from it, or The Black of. All the leaves turn black and the tomatoes rot off too, so make a shelter. In the greenhouse you will hardly be bothered by this, but it is important to ventilate well by opening skylights, an automatic window opener is a must.

If you regularly grow tomatoes in your greenhouse, there is a good chance that tomato plants will germinate automatically, this is because sometimes a tomato falls off and then ends up on the ground. This happens almost exclusively with small cherry tomatoes and never with big boys such as the Noir de Crimée.

Noir de Crimée has a deliciously sweet taste with a small salt in it, this makes it very suitable for sandwiches or you can make a delicious tomato sauce from it. Put these in a preserving jar and then soak them in a preserving kettle for 1 hour. This way you can keep them for at least a year and you can keep them open in the fridge for a maximum of 3 months, but they will never make it to me because this sauce is way too good.

These pictures were of course from last year but this year I am going to grow dark colored tomatoes again, I won't say which variety yet but the seeds will be available again in the webshop.                                                                                                                                    I wish everyone a nice breeding year with many successes and few misses.


tomaat Noire de Crimée


tomaat Noire de Crimée


een heerlijke vleestomaat, goed voor soepen en sauzen.

10 zaden voor 2,50 euro